Was unsere Kunden sagen / What do our clients say?
„Customised Business English at its best! Executive coaching, small groups, special workshops on certain topics, etc. – whatever you need. Communicate offers tailor-made training according to your requirements. The trainers are extremely well-prepared, flexible with contents and organisation and above all everything is done with an irresistible British charm.
During the pre-course briefing and also throughout each course, the trainers show a lot of interest in the company and our daily work and therefore understand exactly what each of us needs.
As a participant in one of Communicate’s group courses, I find the training an enjoyable change to the “daily office routine”. We have learned lots of new business phrases and how to use these effectively in our daily work, as well as getting to know some cultural dos and don’ts. We’ve also had the opportunity to improve our grammar usage, learning about rules and exceptions in a fun but effective way. There have been several ‘light-bulb moments’ in the group when we suddenly recognise mistakes we had been making for years.
All in all, we can absolutely recommend Communicate!“
Karin Donato-Roznowsky, HR Referentin, ABA – Invest in Austria
„We have been booking our English training with Communicate on a regular basis for many years. In total, we currently have around 8 Business English group courses and we also have one-to-one Executive English training courses for our management, which are very useful and help us to create a professional and confident appearance within English-speaking meetings. We are very satisfied with these courses, which provide an informative and practical benefit for all participants. We very much appreciate and enjoy the interesting and varied lessons with Olly and Megan, which make learning English fun. These courses are highly recommended to everyone who wants to learn English in a pleasant, funny and appreciative atmosphere but with maximum learning output, accompanied by a great native speaker. Looking forward to continuing working with Communicate in the future.“
Christian Urich (CEO), RBI Group IT GmbH
„Communicate provides RSC with Business English training in the form of group courses, executive coaching and also communication seminars. Our participants enjoy the interactive and communicative way of learning which Communicate offers and the feedback we receive is always very positive. Personally, my English coaching with Oliver is always a welcome change to ‚daily business‘. I appreciate the way Communicate customises the course according to my needs. In my position, flexibility is a must – Oliver and his team are perfectly organised and understand my situation. Thanks to Communicate, I now feel better prepared for the English challenges in my job!“
Helmut Eitler, Head of Human Resources & Corporate Identity, RSC Raiffeisen Service Center GmbH
„Ich kann die Englischtrainings mit Communicate nur weiterempfehlen. Die Trainings sind genau auf die Bedürfnisse der TeilnehmerInnen abgestimmt. Man kann mit der Trainerin alle aktuellen Themen diskutieren und auf diese Art und Weise seine Englischkenntnisse vertiefen und gleichzeitig Geschäftstermine, Meetings, … vorbereiten. Megan besticht durch ihre Fachkompetenz in vielen Bereichen. Sollte ein spezieller Fachbereich nicht so bekannt sein, bereitet sie sich dem entsprechend vor und arbeitet sich in das Thema vorab ein. Mit notwendiger Konsequenz achtet Megan darauf, dass alle TeilnehmerInnen im Training miteinbezogen werden und auch an den Themen dranbleiben. Andererseits darf auch der Spaß nicht fehlen. Somit werden die Englischtrainings immer wieder zu einem lehrreichen Vergnügen.“
Claudia Bliem, Director of Human Resources, Herba Chemosan Apotheker-AG
„I have been taking an Executive Coaching course with Communicate for the last two years. My trainer, Megan, customises the course content and exercises perfectly to meet my needs. The classes are not only very professional and well-prepared, but I have a lot of fun learning in this communicative way.“
Gerhard Falb, VP Marketing, Paysafe
„I really enjoy my tailor-made Business English coaching with Communicate, as the course is designed according to my individual needs. The flexibility of the course design means it can be adapted to the current situation as my needs change. The Communicate team are fresh and energetic and are always focused on ensuring progress can be seen from one session to the next, identifying errors and highlighting areas for development – but in a very charming way. All in all, I would absolutely recommend Communicate!“
Michaela Habersack, Head of Market Operations, RSC Raiffesien Service Center GmbH
„Der Kurs war sehr praxisbezogen und die Anwendbarkeit für das tägliche Geschäft war sehr gut. Wir haben jetzt keine Angst mehr Englisch zu sprechen!“
Business English Group, Purchasing Department, Frequentis AG